
"The Ultimate Mindset"

"The Ultimate Mindset"

It has become a routine of mine to observe every detail about myself when I look in the mirror. Self-reflection is important for your esteem and your mental health. Self-reflection simply means "meditation or serious thought about one's character, actions & motives."

Taking these steps ensures maturity and assists with the ability to communicate clearly without people wanting to run from you. Why would someone run from you? I find that the way a person talks can determine whether the receiver of the conversation is actively listening. Holding a conversation with an individual who curses every other word usually ends up getting toned out by the listener. Personally, if I have had enough, you might just get cut off in mid sentence just so I can tell you that my ears are bleeding.....especially when the convo isn't going anywhere.  There is a time and place for everything!

Reflecting on the quote below by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, I can hear Queen Latifah's flow in her classic hip hop song called "U.N.I.T.Y." and even "Respect" by Aretha Franklin!  Our actions are motivated by what we listen to and the more we ingest, the more we become.  We need to be a community who uplifts each other instead of instilling hate among ourselves.  "We're the only people on this entire planet who have been taught to sing and praise our demeanment.  I'm a bitch.  I'm a hoe.  I'm a gangster. I'm a thug.  I'm a dog.  If you can train people to demean and degrade themselves, you can oppress them forever.  You can even program them to kill themselves and they won't even understand what happened." (Dr. Frances Cress Welsing)

Now with that said, what are we going to do as a community to break down the slave mentality and develop the ultimate mindset?  Don't you see??  We have been programmed..........so when will you take the blinders off?  Our children need to learn social grace........and even some of the adults too!  Get out of your comfort zone and do something to benefit those around you........remember.....it's the smallest things that count the most!

~*~Nzuri Asha'~*~

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

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