
Dear Dearest, (It’s your mouth that I don’t like.)


Dear Dearest, 

I have a 19 year old daughter that I adore more than life itself. Her mother and I never got along; a street gutter woman with a hot temper that would keep me away from my daughter at the slightest missed payment of child support.  But my child always wanted to be with me, so at 16, she ran away and has lived with me for the last 3 years. Mind you her mother still collected child support from me until 18. It has been a challenge helping her into adulthood, although she works a job, pays her part and goes to community college. My problem is she is very argumentative, cursing me out over any little thing. She looses her keys, I don’t answer my phone, she can’t get her way, she is coming to me with all sorts of expletives and I’ve never gotten a handle of it. She will drop the “F” bomb at the drop of a dime in front of me, friends, even her elderly grandmother. In this way she is just like her mother. My question is, is this a reason to ask her to move out. It seems the dream of raising my daughter has turned into a nightmare. #FussedOutFather

Dear Fussed Out Father, 

Simply put, my answer is yes. Tell her to leave if she can’t get a handle on the disrespect. You can’t live in my house and talk to me any sort of way. She is an adult, a very young one and if that is not an acceptable standard for your household to curse and carry on, “she gots to go”. 
I was recently in a nail salon when a young girl, couldn’t have been older than 20, carrying the beauty of Naomi Campbell caught my attention. This was because every other word that came out of her mouth was “F” that and “F” this. She truly destroyed my experience and the nail techs or management did nothing to correct her. Just by the grace of God, we exited the establishment at the same time. And I said to her, “Sis, you are so beautiful.” She replied, “thank you.” I then continued, “but the way you talked in here was so ugly. It broke my heart”. She said, “Was I that bad?” I said, “yes ma’am. You embarrassed me and yourself.” To my surprise this bold speaking young lady began to cry. We hugged. We prayed. This was a job for her mother or father to do but apparently they allowed some mess early on. Don’t make the same mistake with your child. She might not run into someone as graceful as me. Put your foot down. - Dearest

Resurrected Woman
When The Mind Is Ready To Learn

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