
Propaganda 101

Propaganda 101

As we move forward, it's imperative for us as the local black community to understand and/or be reminded of a few tactics associated with propaganda. We will see/hear information that's misleading and supports a status quo and oppressive infrastructure. Now more than ever, it's important that we stay ahead of the game that's being played; a game that attempts to create a certain narrative.

1. Hook and bait - Be conscientious of words and images our local media outlets will portray. The narrative around social issues we're currently experiencing is being reshaped to secure an established hierarchy. Don't be afraid to question what you see and hear; consider the motives of the source and who benefits from it.

2. Repetitiveness - People learn from repetition. Be aware of repetitive words, phrases, and tag lines that are/will be used in shaping the narrative from our local media. These tactics are used to formulate and maintain a perception. If you're not careful, a falsehood starts sounding like truth if you hear it repetitively and it supports your values.

3. Divide and conquer - The new buzzword in our local media is "divisive"! It's interesting how it's being flipped to do just that...DIVIDE. This is the oldest propaganda trick in the book, even still to this day is the most effective. As a community it's imperative that we stick together. There is strength in unity; which is the greatest fear of powers that be! It's understandable that sometimes we will have to agree to disagree, but what's more important is that we stay united for the greater good of our community.

Let's continue to be vigilant and aware of the propaganda tactics we're faced with. Remember, even though we may take different paths our ultimate goal is the same, which is the betterment of our local black community. Let's stay strong and more importantly united; together we are stronger!

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