
The Have and the Have Nots


We sat up under Shelter 3, at Hornets Nest Park in Charlotte, NC. It was six of us to be exact with one missing but she informed us that she could not be there. We were prompt to a fault if there is such a thing, taking our seats and writing notes while each of us expressed our own personal heartache over working on the Stephanie de-Sarachaga Bilbao campaign. We talked of the shame we felt, working for a Republican Candidate who treated us more like an outsider than her team. One beautiful mother, climbed up the incline, with her cane, to the small canopy where we had fruits and drinks prepared. I knew this had been an ordeal for them and I wanted to treat them deserving of their hard work. And as we talked, it truly became less about my $1300 and more about treating the people of Charlotte with dignity.  
“I want to ask Garcia myself, how he decided who should get paid and who should not” one lady questioned. A gentleman chimed in, “this situation has given me such anxiety.” While another, spoke of the unprofessionalism she witnessed from day one. “On our first day of work, Stephanie and Garcia showed up 4 hours late as we waited in the parking lot of House of Prayer. My heart sank from each and every story. We agreed that we would fundraise to retrieve some monies for our experience but we would work together to make this Republican candidate accountable. 
Each of us stated that we were not Republican yet we were disappointed by the politics of Charlotte. They shared her script which  sounded real good but each told a story where people threw down the cards or dismissed them for supporting a Republican. One lady told us, “I can’t even tell my kids what I have done.”

The excitement of making a couple of thousand dollars has truly faded, leaving these people with so many whys. So, now what? We organize. We come up with a party of our own. We meet faithfully every two weeks with this months goal of getting our money. Many have questioned why GoFund? Because we need money for these individuals now!!!! We are inviting a new community leader to speak to us, help us navigate through what has actually happened. We will stay persistent. We will remain STRONG. 
From the words of our first title holder of the organization, Ms. Shirley Belton, a former school teacher, “Where is the JUSTICE !!!!!
Promises were made!!!
Lies were told!!!!
Payments were NOT made!!!
We worked tirelessly for 11 days. 11 hours a day. We were hired by Garcia Nelson, a well known Public Servant in the black community!!
The campaign was for Stephanie de Sarachaga-Bilbao, a republican who was running for Mayor of Charlotte!!!!
She hired 60 plus to work the early voting polls, and to work on Tuesday, July 26 (Election Day)! We were promised payment every 3 days, after not getting paid on the third day the rules changed. Only a select few were paid for the work that was done from Monday, July 11th up to Wednesday, July 13th.
After a brief meeting with Stephanie and the workers, we were informed that some of her campaign money had been cut because she was not a Trump supporter. She assured us that we will get a lump sum payment on Wednesday, July 27th!!!
(another lie)
Now that the election is over, no one has heard from her!!!
Strong People Campaign was organized by Dearest Price, another worker that wasn't paid. 
Please share this information, because this has to STOP!!!!

Imagine if the roles were reversed, the media would be all over this story!!!

I am fine being criticized setting up a GoFund for these people. I am ok, with my community feeling I crossed party lines. I am alright with showing up for the few to make radical change. 
~ Dearest Price, “Strong Peoples Party”

NLP – It’s Not Magic, it’s Science!
“A Taste of Power” - The Strong Peoples Party

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