
"Miss Communication"

"Miss Communication"

Have you ever sat down with someone to have a conversation and they start playing in their phone?  I can't even front like I don't do that sometimes but business distracts me at times........and ain't nothing wrong with that!  

Some of you know that I worked in a group home setting and before the children went to bed at night, it was our policy to have them turn their phones in so that they would go to sleep and be refreshed for school the next day.  Of course, there were times that they would have a fit because they didn't want to do it but in the end, it was understood and the routine was never broken.  

Technology runs everything that we do in this world.  I remember when we had the 10 cents pay phone at school and it was only used if someone needed to call a number that was paging them.  Yes that was around the time pagers became popular.  AOL was dial-up and took all of 20 minutes sometimes just to connect to the internet.  The youth today have no idea what it means to just go outside and enjoy the other children that are playing outside.  It was fun to actually talk on the phone (if you weren't grounded) and write letters to your friends!  Now it's more important to find out who's on Facebook or any other social media website.  The youth live for 'likes' and 'loves' and eventually it can cause a mental breakdown.  Why?  Because to them, it's how they view popularity.  The television shows like the Cosby show, A Different World, and Living Single actually taught you things instead of these shows now that live for drama and I can't believe that there are so many individuals who don't mind putting themselves out there like that.  No judgement here tho!  However, the youth are being affected and that bothers me more than anything!!  These are just my opinions and everyone will have their own.  

Communication has changed so much!  Protect The Eyes and Ears Of The Children!!  Otherwise, they will pattern everything that they see on television, do what they listen to in their music, and follow in our footsteps!!

~*~Nzuri Asha'~*~

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